I knew for a long time that I wanted to create a business of my own. I envisioned it being something truly unique–my own take on how a company should run.
But when I ventured into the business world at age 19, I found the path to success a bit rocky. After a few years of working for someone else, I decided to dive 100 percent into growing my company. I went a full year with no major clients, barely scraping by. Soon after, we landed a huge contract. We grew into a company with 75 employees in about two weeks.
Today, we work with U.S. government agencies, including the Department of State, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Homeland Security. I’m proud of the work K4 Solutions and its employees have done. We’ve built a reputation of going above and beyond to ensure our work is seamless and our clients’ needs are met.
I attribute much of our success to three pieces of advice that have become our guiding principles: